HTML CSS JQuery电子商务购物车设计使用cid1142-网页设计教程
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<html> <head> <title>My Cart</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <style> body{ font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; background-color: #7f5a83; background-image: linear-gradient(315deg, #7f5a83 0%, #0d324d 74%); height: 100vh; } .badge-notify{ background:red; position:relative; top: -20px; right: 40px; font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; } .my-cart-icon-affix { position: fixed; z-index: 999; } #addNewProduct{ background: transparent; border: 2px solid white; padding: 10px 15px; color: white; border-radius: 50px; margin-top: 50px; } .btn{ padding: 10px 20px; background: transparent; border: 2px solid white; } .btn-info{ background: #34495e; padding: 10px 20px; border-top-right-radius: 50px; border-bottom-right-radius: 50px; } .row{ color: white; } h1{ color: white; } .btn-danger{ border-top-left-radius: 50px; border-bottom-left-radius: 50px; } .btn-danger:focus, .btn-danger:hover{ outline: none !important; border: 2px solid white !important; background: transparent; border-top-left-radius: 50px; border-bottom-left-radius: 50px; } </style> </head> <body class="container"> <br><br><br><br> <div class=""> <h1>Products <div style="float: right; cursor: pointer;"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-shopping-cart my-cart-icon"> <span class="badge badge-notify my-cart-badge"></span> </span> </div> </h1> </div> <button type="addNewProduct" name="addNewProduct" id="addNewProduct"> Add New Product </button> <br><br><br> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3 text-center"> <img src="images/img_1.png" width="270" height="270"> <br><br> Product 1 - <strong>$10</strong> <br><br> <button class="btn btn-danger my-cart-btn" data-id="1" data-name="product 1" data-summary="summary 1" data-price="10" data-quantity="1" data-image="images/img_1.png">Add to Cart </button> <a href="#" class="btn btn-info">Details</a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 text-center"> <img src="images/img_2.png" width="270px" height="270px"> <br><br> Product 2 - <strong>$20</strong> <br><br> <button class="btn btn-danger my-cart-btn" data-id="2" data-name="product 2" data-summary="summary 2" data-price="20" data-quantity="1" data-image="images/img_2.png">Add to Cart </button> <a href="#" class="btn btn-info">Details</a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 text-center"> <img src="images/img_3.png" width="270px" height="270px"> <br><br> Product 3 - <strong>$30</strong> <br><br> <button class="btn btn-danger my-cart-btn" data-id="3" data-name="product 3" data-summary="summary 3" data-price="30" data-quantity="1" data-image="images/img_3.png"> Add to Cart </button> <a href="#" class="btn btn-info">Details</a> </div> <div class="col-md-3 text-center"> <img src="images/img_4.png" width="270px" height="270px"> <br><br> Product 4 - <strong>$40</strong> <br><br> <button class="btn btn-danger my-cart-btn" data-id="4" data-name="product 4" data-summary="summary 4" data-price="40" data-quantity="1" data-image="images/img_4.png"> Add to Cart </button> <a href="#" class="btn btn-info">Details</a> </div> </div> <script src="<script src=""></script>"></script> <script type='text/javascript' src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript' src="js/jquery.mycart.min.js"></script> <script src="js/cart.js"></script> </body> </html>
js cart
$(function () { var goToCartIcon = function($addTocartBtn){ var $cartIcon = $(".my-cart-icon"); var $image = $('<img width="30px" height="30px" src="' + $"image") + '"/>').css({"position": "fixed", "z-index": "999"}); $addTocartBtn.prepend($image); var position = $cartIcon.position(); $image.animate({ top:, left: position.left }, 500 , "linear", function() { $image.remove(); }); } $('.my-cart-btn').myCart({ currencySymbol: '$', classCartIcon: 'my-cart-icon', classCartBadge: 'my-cart-badge', classProductQuantity: 'my-product-quantity', classProductRemove: 'my-product-remove', classCheckoutCart: 'my-cart-checkout', affixCartIcon: true, showCheckoutModal: true, numberOfDecimals: 2, cartItems: [ {id: 1, name: 'product 1', summary: 'summary 1', price: 10, quantity: 1, image: 'images/img_1.png'}, {id: 2, name: 'product 2', summary: 'summary 2', price: 20, quantity: 2, image: 'images/img_2.png'}, {id: 3, name: 'product 3', summary: 'summary 3', price: 30, quantity: 1, image: 'images/img_3.png'} ], clickOnAddToCart: function($addTocart){ goToCartIcon($addTocart); }, afterAddOnCart: function(products, totalPrice, totalQuantity) { console.log("afterAddOnCart", products, totalPrice, totalQuantity); }, clickOnCartIcon: function($cartIcon, products, totalPrice, totalQuantity) { console.log("cart icon clicked", $cartIcon, products, totalPrice, totalQuantity); }, checkoutCart: function(products, totalPrice, totalQuantity) { var checkoutString = "Total Price: " + totalPrice + "\nTotal Quantity: " + totalQuantity; checkoutString += "\n\n id \t name \t summary \t price \t quantity \t image path"; $.each(products, function(){ checkoutString += ("\n " + + " \t " + + " \t " + this.summary + " \t " + this.price + " \t " + this.quantity + " \t " + this.image); }); alert(checkoutString) console.log("checking out", products, totalPrice, totalQuantity); }, getDiscountPrice: function(products, totalPrice, totalQuantity) { console.log("calculating discount", products, totalPrice, totalQuantity); return totalPrice * 0.5; } }); $("#addNewProduct").click(function(event) { var currentElementNo = $(".row").children().length + 1; $(".row").append('<div class="col-md-3 text-center"><img src="images/img_empty.png" width="150px" height="150px"><br>product ' + currentElementNo + ' - <strong>$' + currentElementNo + '</strong><br><button class="btn btn-danger my-cart-btn" data-id="' + currentElementNo + '" data-name="product ' + currentElementNo + '" data-summary="summary ' + currentElementNo + '" data-price="' + currentElementNo + '" data-quantity="1" data-image="images/img_empty.png">Add to Cart</button><a href="#" class="btn btn-info">Details</a></div>') }); });

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